Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Our Prayer for You

Mom (Mimi),
Our prayer for you is that you continue to stay healthy and strong during this fight.  Your positive attitude is an inspiration to all of us.  This blog was created to help you share your journey.  Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face".  You have already done this by acknowledging that you have breast cancer and that you will beat it. When in doubt, just follow Dr. Seuss's prescription: 

                   " I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
                     Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
                     But I've bought a big bat.  I'm all ready you see.
                     Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!"

Your big bat can be the blanket of hope with your granddaughter's symbol on it.  Although there is only one green hand on the pink plate, behind it are the hands of everyone who loves you. When you reach out and touch our hands, we reach out and touch your heart. Hopefully, this electricity will give you that extra spark to keep going along your trek.
This is just a little poem to express how we feel:

You have breast cancer, and we are all scared,
But your positive outlook has helped us prepare.
Your courage is honorable and your fight is strong,
Trust your gut to guide you along.

Continue to celebrate life each day,
Dance and sing in your ebullient way.
Remember that we are all by your side,
Ribbons of hope to help you keep stride.   

Love you to pieces....
Bobby, Michelle, Talia, Liana, & Zara
Lisa, Brian, Abbi, Lily, Lulu, & Soon to be ... Brody
Dad, Maggie 


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